Saturday, February 11, 2017

Using the Energy of the Eclipse: a Personal Reflection

These reflections are part-science, part-psychic interpretation, and come on the heels of an intense Lunar Eclipse on Friday 2/10/17. An eclipse triggers for me such a sense of awe; our ancestors, all animals, other creatures inhabiting the earth, all have experienced these celestial events. They occur outside of our control and portend coming changes. In feeling this eclipse coming, I slowed down, even in the midst of expression in the conventional work world. In my mind's eye, where Psychic Sense is present, I could feel/sense/hear/see some kind of invisible gears coming to a stop, slowing down, getting ready to change direction. As is typical with an eclipse, for me and likely for others, it feels like the veil between the worlds becomes thin. I often see/sense things that I cannot explain or describe.

During this eclipse, I was given the image of an empty cylinder, much like a paper towel roll: one end represents the Sun during the eclipse, in this case at 22'Aquarius. Through this temporary portal, it is possible for Help and Light to come in to the planet to help with our healing. At the other end of the roll, the Moon at 22' Leo, darkness, a void where negative energies can be drawn out. I felt these two portals begin to open during the eclipse time, and stayed in prayer that the negative energies would leave the planet, for this is a time of letting go. It feels as if humans are offered the opportunity to let go of negative emotions, memories, events that are lodged in the field and the psyche. The trick is not to get caught up in them as they pass through. They may take form. They may have sound. They may not want to leave, either due to their own desires or our attachments. It is okay to just...let...go. Trust that the Light is doing it's work. It is Enough. You are enough.

Now, for the science. From what I have gather from some other astrologers, including Rick Levine, this Lunar position of 22' Leo is indicative of a time of reflection as to what we are giving out versus what we are receiving back. Self-care. Fill your own cup first. There may be many out there reading this column that are in the process of weighing what they are giving out in a relationship, friendship, partnership, and what they are receiving back, and making a calculation of sorts deep within. Rick Levine has said that 22'Leo is about personal love; it is contrasted against 22' Aquarius, and as he said in a recent lecture, "Aquarians love humanity but hate people." We all have Aquarius somewhere in our birth chart!

This Lunar eclipse cycle may involve some letting go, either by choice or by the hand of the Universe. It is okay to let go. Allow there to be a space without having the need to fill it. It will come. In two weeks, time, we will be visited by another eclipse, this time a solar eclipse in Pisces. The time period between eclipses is, to me, sacred and filled with magic.

May you find the magic needed to inspire you through your days and nights....Namaste.

Image result for eclipse 2017

Saturday, January 28, 2017

2017 and Lessons to Learn from Astrology

... because we live in the solar system if we didn t know what the solar

Hello friends,

2017 brings to us a fresh perspective, a way to turn the page, start a new chapter, cleanse the human form, begin anew. Now that Mercury is moving full steam ahead, it feels to me that we have truly started a new year. In the United States, forces are polarized as we welcome (cough) the new president and take in the changes that will occur. Activism appears to be revitalized as we revisit civil rights issues of the 60's. Those of a certain age cry out, " I can't believe I have to march against this sh*t again!" and others plot their moves to Mexico or Canada.

In looking at the astrology of 2017, there are so many things that stand out. For example, the cardinal T-square between Jupiter in Libra, conversing with Pluto in Capricorn, conversing with Uranus in Aries. The aspect, called a square, can be though of as a conversation, and conversation can be clarifying, it can be upsetting, it can mend fences, or all of the above. Some people may dominate the conversation, talking over others, and some may feel unheard.

I feel that this conversation, this T-square, is holding a space for us, and at the moment it may feel like a space of tension. Have you ever walked into a room as two people were having an argument? The disconnection palpable? At times this energy offered by the planets may feel that way. But the gift behind it is the opportunity for new beginnings and for clarification. The path to clarification may not be easy, but it is worth it. I know when i have had a conversation that is clarifying, it may have taken discomfort to get there, but i am left feeling released, and more connected to both the other person and myself.

Cardinal signs are all about new beginnings, leadership, the start of things. If you think about it, Libra begins just as fall begins, Capricorn commences as winter commences, and Aries heralds the start of spring. Something has completed, and something new begins.

The missing cardinal sign in this alignment would be Cancer: there are no planets currently transiting this sign. I call it an "empty cell". What is not being said, the undercurrent in the conversations between Libra and Capricorn and Aries, is all things Cancer. This sign rules nurturing, family or those that we identify as family, self-care, loyalty. It is a fluid water sign but offers newness and leadership in it's own way. For some, it represents the scared feminine, the Goddess, and the world of feeling and emotion. I sense that in the coming year, this will be a great theme, spoken or unspoken.

Also adding to conversations this year will be the eclipses of February 2017 and August 2017, both of which portend more changes. This will be the focus of the next conversation...

Saturday, December 10, 2016

Astrological Musings as 2016 comes to a close

Here in the states, we have all survived the most recent election for president of the United States. There seem to be strong opinions on this particular election, and whether your candidate won or not, the reality is, great change is upon us.

There are many wonderful astrologers out there who can offer opinions into the charts of the candidates, the United States, and so forth. For myself, I feel the deeper need to look beyond the current dilemmas and into the Bigger Picture. Concurrent with this is the need to share what that might mean for the smaller pictures, the individual, as well as the collective!

One of the emerging relationships that is arising is Jupiter traveling through Libra again, where it will spend one year. Jupiter, the planet of expansion, abundance, and opportunity is moving through the sign associated with relationship, social justice, fairness, and communication. Libra is totally focused on and interested in relationship. So i can see the potential for a cycle now that is reflective of our need for relationship, noticing the absence or presence of it, perhaps feeling grateful for relationships that we have. In addition to being interested in relationship with others, 1:1, Libra is interested in and nurtures relationship with Self, self-care, self-awareness, and relationship with the Source.

Jupiter visits the sign of Libra for one year at a time, and does so every 12 years. So we would have been under this same beautiful, fair, collective influence 12 years ago....there may be things from that time of life that resurface now, depending on how the last cycle manifested and was handled.

The last few times Jupiter visited Libra were as follows:

September 2004-October 2005
November 1992-November 1993
October 1980-November 1981
June 1969-December 1969, November 1968-March 1969
June 1969-December 1969, November 1968-March 1969

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Astrology and Self Understanding

Mercury seems to be as ready for forward movement as I am, the last few moments of the cycle unravel with as much chaos as could be expected. Two weeks ago I had the pleasure of attending an astrological workshop presented by astrologer Austin Coppock, as he presented in such depth and detail about the decans in astrology. The history and evolution and inspection he offered on each we can was graphic and so accurate. If I were to break it down, the basic premise is that it matters if a planet, such as the Sun, was at the beginning, middle,or end of a sign, and this has hearing into  how those traits filter into the personality. I've always noticed that the Virgo energy passing through someone that is early August Virgo is diferent than someone late Virgo/almost Libra, for example. For me, it is another way of seeing astrology as a journey, as we mimic the evolution through the signs over the course of our lifetimes. I like to think that we have all 12 signs within us...just to varying Wrees. Our task is to understand and embrace all facets of the signs and to attain a balanced expression of each.
I recently saw a beautiful documentary called The Secrets of Water. I learned about how vital water is for our survival and that it has import beyond beingbeing also holds and emits energy. Our planet and our physical forms are filled with water. As water is impressionable and holds memory, so too does ths body. Delicate microbes in the human gut become more active just prior to a solar flare, as if they are aware of the impending surge of energy of the sun. And parasites that take up residence in the human form are more active in the wee small hours of the morning and during a full moon. In astrology we talk about the profound impact of prenatal eclipses on the developing human.
This deepens for me a tense of awe of the human form, as well as for those divine, sometimes unknown cycles of the Universe and cosmos.

Sunday, January 3, 2016

Voice and Expression

Image result for clip art voteHello and happy New Year! 2016 brings forth images of a clean slate and new beginnings, despite the impending Mercury Retrograde that begins on Monday. We may have an opportunity revisit our actions of the last few weeks for greater clarity and to re-examine the energy we put into certain conversations or practices.

I recently saw a movie called Suffragette; it is a period film set in the early 1900's in Britain, and shines light upon the early women's movement of that time, when women were struggling for the right to vote. This movie deeply impacted me. As a female living in a "free" country with full voting rights, I realize I have taken it for granted in my lifetime that I have a voice, that my voice and my vote count for something. I have a vague awareness of the women's movement and that somewhere along the line women were not able to vote in the United States and at some point that changed. But i had never really studied how this came about. In my mind's eye, there were maybe a few conversations were women pointed out their need to vote and men acquiesced.

Suffragette provided details of women really went through, the lives they had that led them to the need to vote, the abuse at the hands of men in power, the plight of the poor and disadvantaged. I learned that the women who came before me had to fight tooth and nail to change this outdated power structure, one in which only men had a say. Women that I don't know marched in the streets, set the world on fire, took a risk, and some lost their lives: in short, it was a fight. The old adage,
I stand on the shoulders of those who came before me, has been burned in my mind since viewing this film.

I realize I have made a mistake in making it something casual that I have a say and can vote. At the end of the film, there was a powerful credit reel at the end where it lists various countries and the year in which women received the right to vote; at the tail end is Saudi Arabia, where women are still in the struggle.

This being an election year, blogging about this film and this issue feels timely. As a woman I recently met said, "this is the best time and place to be alive as a woman." I am feeling more deeply what this means: the right to own property, to be protected from harm, to have creative expression, to Love God in whatever way one feels drawn - to have one's voice be heard. I plan to take more action on this in 2016, to make my voice heard, to make my life matter. Of course, it goes beyond a shameless plug urging you to make your voices heard through the vote: there are a lot of ways to self express and make your voice heard.

Because, as the saying goes, I stand on the shoulders of those who came before me.


Sunday, August 30, 2015

Summer 2015 Activity

As I write this blog, summer is winding it's way toward the end of it's days. Children are returning to school, students are again filling the collages, and in the desert we have high hopes for eventual cool weather. Each summer seems to have it's own theme unique to the person or group of people experiencing it. For me, it was a summer of new beginnings, a few needed endings, connections with nurturing friends, and conscious rest. I say 'conscious' because my normal tendency is to keep the to-do list full, my schedule hopping, and then at the end of the summer feel resentful that I didn't really 'do' anything (besides work!). This summer I made sure I had time for pleasure, spaces in my calendar, time for activities that are refreshing and fun. I even made a trip to Michigan to do spiritual service and connect with old friends.

Astrologically, my attention goes toward this as the summer of retrograde planets; normally, the outer planets are retrograde during our summers, but for some reason, this summer I actually saw and felt that as support to slow down, re-evaluate, re-think my plans, and rest. Uranus, the planet of revolution and change, retrograded on July 26 in the powerful, action-oriented sign of Aries. Did you feel any cues to slow down? Neptune, which brings us mystical cycles that augment our daily realities concurrent with choices to stay clear headed or move into addictions or ways that we fool ourselves, went retrograde June 12th in it's home sign of Pisces. Pluto, planet of transformation, change, and restructuring, has been slowly moving retrograde since April 16, offering a second chance with our plans to revisit existing foundations. And finally, Saturn, planet of discipline, motivation, and rewards from hard work, has been backtracking in Scorpio since March 14.

We live in a world where technology allows our psyche to be tethered, tamed, timed, and teased 24/7. Entire self-help books and workshops are being formed around teaching people how to slow down and how to un-plug. I feel that with these retrogrades, the Universe offers the support that can only be located through slowing down, reflecting on our words before they are chosen, revisiting ideas that are not working as they should. As my Teacher as coached, without slowness, we cannot really feel who we are and we miss out on the present moment.

This fall, planetary momentum will again build as planetary cycles move toward forward motion. The combination of full moons and solar flares and eclipse activity will serve as triggers to move us forward. The Pisces Full Moon of August 29th will send ripple effects into our psyches through the dream time and other realms; pay attention to your intuition! The eclipses of September 12 and September 27 will bring changes of their own.

The direct motion of Uranus will not occur until December 25th, so Uranian energy may not be as full as it has been; this will impact especially those born under Aquarius, as this is your ruler. The direct motion of Pisces will occur on November 18th, allowing for more clarity and insight; this will especially impact Pisces, as this is your ruler. Pluto moves forward on September 25th, allowing the transformation to move with better alignment; Scorpio will feel this movement the most as it is your ruling planet. Saturn's recent movement forward on August 2nd will impact everyone, but especially Capricorn, as this is your ruling planet. We may be visiting a few issues or ideas left over from the last Saturn cycle until Saturn moves back into Sagittarius on September 17, where it will remain until September 2017.

Planning and doing are important aspects of keeping the world afloat and progressing in evolution. I encourage you to consider adding spaces into your lives for rest, reflection, time in nature, doing things that bring you happiness and allow you to unplug. May you all have a beautiful remainder of summer and a brilliant and creative fall.


Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Mercury Retrograde: working positively with the Cycle

Mercury, planet of communication and transportation, will retrograde from May 18 to June 4 in the sign of Gemini. This could be perceived as a double-whammy as Gemini's natural ruler is Mercury. Typically this cycle is related to setbacks with communication, articulation, snafus with computers and phones, and glitches in transportation. Certainly, a cursory review of this transit could likely result in viewing the planet and it's 'backward' motion as something that will be challenging, but there are gifts as well.

Mercury takes an apparent look backwards about three times per year. I like to look at Mercury retrograde cycles in terms of their relationship to the last Mercury retrograde, in this case, back in January/February 2015 in the sign of Aquarius. Usually, if I examine the issues in my life in the previous retrograde cycle, there is something relevant that is continuing or being adjusted in the new Mercury cycle. Case in point: during the last cycle, I was hired on to work for a particular company. A bit dismayed, I realized I was beginning something new on a retrograde and that's not always the best energy to ride in on. I simply entered with the best enthusiasm that I had, knowing if there were glitches with email and computers and that I could just be patient and work them through, and they would resolve. I was in a new position and laid the groundwork for it during that time. I had a new commute, new employer, new way of relating to the world, and new class of living.

Now that we visit the second retrograde, the job is again shifting gears, and requiring my patience as my daily duties shift. congruent with the last retrograde are the same computer and email issues I faced in my first few weeks! This gives me a chance to be patient, check my energy, pause, and engage my meditative practices. I would venture to say that because of this, the retrograde feels somewhat good, as I am more mindful and more slowed down than usual! This new switch brings me a new boss, a new office, a new commute, and a different set of duties. Somehow, Mercury feels to have had a role in this movement, and I am in awe of how astrology works. I am excited to see what happens and shifts for the next retrograde, which will be in September/October in the sign of Libra.

May the movement of the planets create awe in your heart as it has in mine...Namaste.