Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Astrology of March 2015

Hello to all! March promises to be a busy month astrologically! New energies, new beginnings, and the closing of a long and perhaps challenging chapter. This month we have the final of 7 squares between Pluto and Uranus: in plain talk, the planets tend to have conversations with each other - these conversations have an impact on us as human. The conversations can be pleasant, challenging but with deeper results, and sometimes frustrating, but all of them push us toward growth. To understand the final square this month, we have to look back at the past to understand the present. The conversations between planets took part in segments, as follows:

6/6/12 to 7/9/12
9/18/12 to 10/1/12
5/15/13 to 6/1/13
4/12/14 to 4/29/14

 As is the case with change, it does not happen overnight. We may rise in the morning, have thoughts about a change we want to make in our lives, and then forget it. We may rise in the morning again, have those same thoughts, have a few conversations with people. We may be in the middle of our day when those thoughts come in again, we may do some research, have more conversations. And then finally, one day, we look back, and see that change has occurred. Think of this planetary aspect, or conversation, as contractions toward change. If you were to reflect on these time periods in your life, what was happening? What changes were you trying to make? I feel these aspects were helping us to restructure some way of thinking, being, or relating. Each piece of the conversation has taught us about ourselves, each other, the world. A foundation has been set forth from which we can make future plans. Assisted by planetary cycles of deep cleansing and self examination, we are able to set forth a new path.

Balance is needed as we move forward, a slowing down of the body and mind through yoga, meditation, the addition of supportive herbs or teas into our lives. It helps during times of change to see the bigger picture at play while in the midst of change, especially during those times when things seem stuck and we may doubt that change is occurring.

Other aspects to consider this month include the upcoming eclipse on March 20th at 29' Pisces. This is a planet at the end of it's rope, humanity at the completion of one cycle, poised for the beginning of another. It occurs just prior to the beginning of the astrological year at 0' Aries, celebrated as the welcoming of spring in the northern hemisphere.

So as we see global changes continuing to occur around us, the restructuring of governments and systems, so too do we see this reflected in our own lives, as our own systems and defenses are dismantled. I feel really excited at the closing of one cycle and the beginning of another. Best wishes to you all on your journey.