Monday, February 17, 2014

Adventures in the Riparian Preserve

This week, reeling from a Mercury retrograde cycle that claimed the life of my beloved computer, I opted to take solace in the comfort of nature. As the weather was a cooperative 78' and very sunny, it was a perfect hiking day in Arizona, Valley of the Sun. I came upon the Riparian Preserve in Gilbert, and yes, I had to look that word up in the dictionary (uh, internet) too. Also known as Water Ranch, this area is home to numerous varieties of birds and plant species. There are walking trails and photo opportunities at every turn. The Preserve is also home to the Riparian Institute (

It's not unusual to see hikers, birders, and folks on horseback, as well as well-positioned photographers, when exploring Water Ranch. As well, there is a large telescope on the grounds, and it adjoins the local library. From what I understand, the telescope is open on Friday and Saturday nights from Sunset to 9:30.